Zo broeder Rozenkruis, ook gij hier!?
De Chemische Bruiloft deelt niet iets mede, maar het maakts iets wakker.
Dit alles vloeit te zamen en vormt een sfeer of bol, welks delen alle even ver van het middelpunt verwijderd zijn.
"Inwijding brengt in het gebied van de rede het doel en in het gebied van de emotie de juiste gemoedsgesteldheid voor het binnenleiden van de mens in de Mysterieen."
Man forever stands at the crossroads, until he makes a decision. Will he accept the invitation to the mysterious alchemical wedding, or will he go back to sleep? – Tobias Churton _Invisibles
Christiaan Rosencreuz, is een dorpswaard, verlicht door wijn. De grondlegger van deze goddeloze kabbala geloofde aan God noch duivel. - De jezuïet François Garasse
Christian Rosencreutz is een symbolische figuur aan wie in sommige mystieke literatuur de stichting van de Rozekruisers Orde wordt toegeschreven. De Rozekruisers Orde A.M.O.R.C. ziet in hem niet de feitelijke stichter.
"Schon in den Jahren 1602 und 1603 fing ich zur Übung meiner Talente an, Aufsätze zu verfassen…Die Chymische Hochzeit, eine Posse voll abenteuerlicher Auftritte, erhielt sich. Zum Verwundern wurde sie von einigen geschätzt und durch feine Nachforschungen erklärt, da es ein unbedeuntendes Werkchen ist und die unnützen Bemühungen der Neugierigen darsteltt…Diese waren das Vorspiel meiner Schreibereien, in denen ich mich des Vorrats, in meiner mannigfaltigen Lektüre gesammelt, entledigte."
"Jesus said to them, When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside, and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the female one and the same, so that the male be not male, nor the female female... then you will enter the kingdom."
Er, Carlo Pietzner, schilderte ein Erlebnis. Er besuchte Montsegur, eine der letzten Stütspunkte der Katharer. Er traf dort eine Schulklasse an mit einem Lehrer, der den Schülern sagte, dass, befor die Katharer von dort in den Feuertot schritten, ein Schatz gerettet worden sei, mit dem sich zwei order drei der Katharer an der anderen Seite der Belagerer abseilten. Dieser Schatz sei ein Baby gewesen, welches dazu bestimmt war, ein grosser Menschheitsführer zu werden. Carlo Pietzner sah darin Christian Rosenkreutz...
"Onderzoek jezelf nauwkeurig. Als je je niet nauwgezet gezuiverd hebt, zal de Bruiloft je schade doen. Wee wie daarbeneden lang draalt, hopelijk ziet degene die te lichtzinning is, ervan af".
Arcana publicata vilescunt; et gratiam prophana amittunt.
Ergo, ne Margaritas obijce porcis, seu Asino substerne rosas.
An einem Abend vor dem Ostertag saß ich an einem Tisch und besprach mich meiner Gewohnheit nach mit meinem Schöpfer in meinem demütigen Gebet. Und dachte über viele große Geheimnisse, deren mich der Vater des Lichts, seine Majestät, nicht wenig hatte sehen lassen, nach.
Much has been said, written and speculated about the Alchemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz, third part of the Rosicrucian Trilogy! Just about as much as the nebulous nature of the origins of Rosicrucianism itself.
Where some claim that CRC of the Fama and Confessio (who is btw not necessarily the same person as Rosenkreutz!) was the founder of Rosicrucianism, most scholars now are of the opinion that Christian Rosenkreutz, was just a mythical figure, a fictional hero and not a real character.
However a considerable minority still maintains that Christian Rosenkreutz was the name of an avatar, a highly evolved adapt, and that Rosenkreutz was perhaps the last descendant of the Roesgen von Germelshausen tribe, a German family who flourished in the 13th century. Their Castle stood in the Thuringian Forest on the Border of Hesse and they had embraced Albigensian (ie Cathar) doctrines, combining Gnostic and Christian beliefs. Some even believe that C.R.C. was the very treasure of the Cathars smuggled out of Montsegur, as a baby. Rudolf Steiner believed that Christian Rosenkreutz was a real person.
Well a third way perhaps is it’s both a real person and mythical figure! A kind of honorary title, for someone with a different mundane name such as Francis Bacon.
Now without going any further into this controversy or expressing my own opinion I’ll move on to the Alchemical Wedding and will try to shed some new light on it.
Though his role in the origin of the Rosicrucian legend is controversial Johann Valentin Andreae claims in his autobiography the Chymische Hochzeit "Chemical Wedding" as one of his works, which he allegedly wrote at the pristine age of 17 years. An astonishing accomplishment indead, to put it mildly! Later in life he kind of backed off, more or less denouncing his rosicrucianism and dismissing it all as a lidubrium! He next tried to transfer it into something with a more widely accepted Christian nature called Societas Christianae, becoming a pietist theologian, probably scared by hos own sucess and the developing anti-rosicrucian currents starting 1617.
O, gij doorluchtigste koning Menippus, die het van eenvoudige ordebroeder tot monarch gebracht hebt en die zich nu tot hervormer van de gehele wereld opwerpt.
Thus the Brothers of the R + C are calling for "Universal Reformation of the Whole Wide World" However what this Rosicrucian Utopia should like like, they don't tell us yet! A bit presumtious maybe?
In his autobiography Vita Ab Ibso Conscripta, the Lutheran theologian Johann Valentin Andreae wrote: "In contrast (to my writings that perished), the Chemical Wedding survived, with its foetus fruitful of monsters, a fantasy, which you may wonder was evaluated and interpreted with subtle ingenuity by some people, foolishly enough, in demonstration of the inanity of the curious". Andreae claimed to have written it around 1605 when nineteen.
Jan Amos Komenský (better known as Comenius) corresponded with Johann Valentin Andreae since 1628, a.o. with the urgent request that he’d be accepted into his Rosicrucian fraternity. Into the later version i.e., the Societatis Christianae. Formed by Andreae in 1620 and which according to him had only existed for 8 years.
Comenius could of course not know that when he applied for membership. Initially rejecting him and responding, that an old man like him - he is then 42 - should no longer engage in the battle. But when Comenius insists, he sends him the Christianae Societatis Imago, in which the objectives of the august fraternity are revealed. In the cover letter Andreae says that Comenius might change and improve it at his own discretion. Did he see in Comenius a possible successor?
The relationship between Andreae and Comenius was a troublesome and complicated affair. On the one hand Comenius greatly admired the man whom he considered as his teacher, but who, unfortunately, more and more distanced himself the ideas which had been so dear to him in his youth. Andreae, however, did not aspire to be martyr, and in his quality of pastor, he wanted to defend himself against the numerous attacks that the Rose-Croix had provoked. He publictly resolved to separate from his Brothers.
“We were, some eight years ago, only a few men, most of great worth, who joined together after the ludibrium of the vain Fama, and many had decleared that they would unite with us, when the troubles in Germany (the Thirty Years‘ War) separated us. Most died, others dispaired. In what concerns me, I judged it sufficient to furl my sails. Since those who remain standing are no longer numerous enough to clean the Augean stables, we leave to you willingly what is saved from the wreck. Re-unite these fragments, and with the aid of devoted disciples, do your best to erect a monument, which at least attest that our labour was not useless.“ – Andreae to Comenius
This makes Comenius a real Rosicrucian without question, though he will not publicly admit that until late in his life. His Via Lucis holds both a complaint and a recommendation for the Royal Society, which he claims only studies the physical world. The "true" scientist however should study, all three disciplines, starting with physics, then the metaphysics and finally hyper-physics. Since hasn’t God given us three books after all: the Book of Nature, the Book of Man and the book of Scripture. Body, Mind, Soul!
Though the role played by Andreae, cannot be deminished, Comenius proved to be a better lover of truth in the Rosicrucian sense and thus raised himself far above his teacher.
Interpreting, explaining, translating Die Chymische Hochzeit des Christian Rosencreutz, is just as easy as making predictions especially when they are about the future. Or trying to explain initiations and or dreams.
For those who insist on reading a more or less authorised interpretation, I’d recommend reading Jan van Rijckenborgh’s excellent comments.
Personally I’d like to suggest an entirely different approach here in order to decide upon what the Chemical Wedding actually is and how to assess it. So, therefore I won’t interpret the Chymische Hochzeit astrologically, esoterically and or numerologically. The name Christian Rosenkreutz is simply the symbolic designation for each candidate on the path of initiation; the equivalent of the Martinist Homme de Désir, Man of Desire on its way to become Le Nouvel Homme "the New Man"!
The Chymische Hochzeit Cristiani Rosencreutz anno 1459, contains the seven phases of the Path of Initiation. The path of the seeker for spiritual enlightenment. The quest for Illumination.
Nothing More, Nothing Less. It’s just that simple!
Now sit still, relax and focus on your breathing. Visualise that you are Christian Rosenkreutz! Assume, pretend being Christian Rosenkreutz. Walt, talk act like Rosenkreuz. It doesn’t matter if you’re 18 or 81. So now, you are Rosenkreuz and for 7 days, every day you carefully study one chapter.
By doing so it will become completely clear to you, what the intended meaning of the Alchemical Wedding is. This is also the only way to get to know it this secret, since it is a personal path, your personal initiation. This is what Christian Rosenkreuz is all about. You and me, we are all Rosenkreuz.
Thus it’s simple as it should be, like the Philosopher’s Stone, also very simple, though most people wouldn’t recognise it, not even if they’d sit on it. T.R.Y.
When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then you will enter the Kingdom.
Eques aurei Lapidis.
Anno. 1459.
"Inwijding brengt in het gebied van de rede het doel en in het gebied van de emotie de juiste gemoedsgesteldheid voor het binnenleiden van de mens in de Mysterieen."
Man forever stands at the crossroads, until he makes a decision. Will he accept the invitation to the mysterious alchemical wedding, or will he go back to sleep? – Tobias Churton _Invisibles
Christiaan Rosencreuz, is een dorpswaard, verlicht door wijn. De grondlegger van deze goddeloze kabbala geloofde aan God noch duivel. - De jezuïet François Garasse
Christian Rosencreutz is een symbolische figuur aan wie in sommige mystieke literatuur de stichting van de Rozekruisers Orde wordt toegeschreven. De Rozekruisers Orde A.M.O.R.C. ziet in hem niet de feitelijke stichter.
"Schon in den Jahren 1602 und 1603 fing ich zur Übung meiner Talente an, Aufsätze zu verfassen…Die Chymische Hochzeit, eine Posse voll abenteuerlicher Auftritte, erhielt sich. Zum Verwundern wurde sie von einigen geschätzt und durch feine Nachforschungen erklärt, da es ein unbedeuntendes Werkchen ist und die unnützen Bemühungen der Neugierigen darsteltt…Diese waren das Vorspiel meiner Schreibereien, in denen ich mich des Vorrats, in meiner mannigfaltigen Lektüre gesammelt, entledigte."
"Jesus said to them, When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside, and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the female one and the same, so that the male be not male, nor the female female... then you will enter the kingdom."
Er, Carlo Pietzner, schilderte ein Erlebnis. Er besuchte Montsegur, eine der letzten Stütspunkte der Katharer. Er traf dort eine Schulklasse an mit einem Lehrer, der den Schülern sagte, dass, befor die Katharer von dort in den Feuertot schritten, ein Schatz gerettet worden sei, mit dem sich zwei order drei der Katharer an der anderen Seite der Belagerer abseilten. Dieser Schatz sei ein Baby gewesen, welches dazu bestimmt war, ein grosser Menschheitsführer zu werden. Carlo Pietzner sah darin Christian Rosenkreutz...
"Onderzoek jezelf nauwkeurig. Als je je niet nauwgezet gezuiverd hebt, zal de Bruiloft je schade doen. Wee wie daarbeneden lang draalt, hopelijk ziet degene die te lichtzinning is, ervan af".
Arcana publicata vilescunt; et gratiam prophana amittunt.
Ergo, ne Margaritas obijce porcis, seu Asino substerne rosas.
An einem Abend vor dem Ostertag saß ich an einem Tisch und besprach mich meiner Gewohnheit nach mit meinem Schöpfer in meinem demütigen Gebet. Und dachte über viele große Geheimnisse, deren mich der Vater des Lichts, seine Majestät, nicht wenig hatte sehen lassen, nach.
Much has been said, written and speculated about the Alchemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz, third part of the Rosicrucian Trilogy! Just about as much as the nebulous nature of the origins of Rosicrucianism itself.
Where some claim that CRC of the Fama and Confessio (who is btw not necessarily the same person as Rosenkreutz!) was the founder of Rosicrucianism, most scholars now are of the opinion that Christian Rosenkreutz, was just a mythical figure, a fictional hero and not a real character.
However a considerable minority still maintains that Christian Rosenkreutz was the name of an avatar, a highly evolved adapt, and that Rosenkreutz was perhaps the last descendant of the Roesgen von Germelshausen tribe, a German family who flourished in the 13th century. Their Castle stood in the Thuringian Forest on the Border of Hesse and they had embraced Albigensian (ie Cathar) doctrines, combining Gnostic and Christian beliefs. Some even believe that C.R.C. was the very treasure of the Cathars smuggled out of Montsegur, as a baby. Rudolf Steiner believed that Christian Rosenkreutz was a real person.
Well a third way perhaps is it’s both a real person and mythical figure! A kind of honorary title, for someone with a different mundane name such as Francis Bacon.
Now without going any further into this controversy or expressing my own opinion I’ll move on to the Alchemical Wedding and will try to shed some new light on it.
Though his role in the origin of the Rosicrucian legend is controversial Johann Valentin Andreae claims in his autobiography the Chymische Hochzeit "Chemical Wedding" as one of his works, which he allegedly wrote at the pristine age of 17 years. An astonishing accomplishment indead, to put it mildly! Later in life he kind of backed off, more or less denouncing his rosicrucianism and dismissing it all as a lidubrium! He next tried to transfer it into something with a more widely accepted Christian nature called Societas Christianae, becoming a pietist theologian, probably scared by hos own sucess and the developing anti-rosicrucian currents starting 1617.
O, gij doorluchtigste koning Menippus, die het van eenvoudige ordebroeder tot monarch gebracht hebt en die zich nu tot hervormer van de gehele wereld opwerpt.
Thus the Brothers of the R + C are calling for "Universal Reformation of the Whole Wide World" However what this Rosicrucian Utopia should like like, they don't tell us yet! A bit presumtious maybe?
In his autobiography Vita Ab Ibso Conscripta, the Lutheran theologian Johann Valentin Andreae wrote: "In contrast (to my writings that perished), the Chemical Wedding survived, with its foetus fruitful of monsters, a fantasy, which you may wonder was evaluated and interpreted with subtle ingenuity by some people, foolishly enough, in demonstration of the inanity of the curious". Andreae claimed to have written it around 1605 when nineteen.
Jan Amos Komenský (better known as Comenius) corresponded with Johann Valentin Andreae since 1628, a.o. with the urgent request that he’d be accepted into his Rosicrucian fraternity. Into the later version i.e., the Societatis Christianae. Formed by Andreae in 1620 and which according to him had only existed for 8 years.
Comenius could of course not know that when he applied for membership. Initially rejecting him and responding, that an old man like him - he is then 42 - should no longer engage in the battle. But when Comenius insists, he sends him the Christianae Societatis Imago, in which the objectives of the august fraternity are revealed. In the cover letter Andreae says that Comenius might change and improve it at his own discretion. Did he see in Comenius a possible successor?
The relationship between Andreae and Comenius was a troublesome and complicated affair. On the one hand Comenius greatly admired the man whom he considered as his teacher, but who, unfortunately, more and more distanced himself the ideas which had been so dear to him in his youth. Andreae, however, did not aspire to be martyr, and in his quality of pastor, he wanted to defend himself against the numerous attacks that the Rose-Croix had provoked. He publictly resolved to separate from his Brothers.
“We were, some eight years ago, only a few men, most of great worth, who joined together after the ludibrium of the vain Fama, and many had decleared that they would unite with us, when the troubles in Germany (the Thirty Years‘ War) separated us. Most died, others dispaired. In what concerns me, I judged it sufficient to furl my sails. Since those who remain standing are no longer numerous enough to clean the Augean stables, we leave to you willingly what is saved from the wreck. Re-unite these fragments, and with the aid of devoted disciples, do your best to erect a monument, which at least attest that our labour was not useless.“ – Andreae to Comenius
This makes Comenius a real Rosicrucian without question, though he will not publicly admit that until late in his life. His Via Lucis holds both a complaint and a recommendation for the Royal Society, which he claims only studies the physical world. The "true" scientist however should study, all three disciplines, starting with physics, then the metaphysics and finally hyper-physics. Since hasn’t God given us three books after all: the Book of Nature, the Book of Man and the book of Scripture. Body, Mind, Soul!
Though the role played by Andreae, cannot be deminished, Comenius proved to be a better lover of truth in the Rosicrucian sense and thus raised himself far above his teacher.
Interpreting, explaining, translating Die Chymische Hochzeit des Christian Rosencreutz, is just as easy as making predictions especially when they are about the future. Or trying to explain initiations and or dreams.
For those who insist on reading a more or less authorised interpretation, I’d recommend reading Jan van Rijckenborgh’s excellent comments.
Personally I’d like to suggest an entirely different approach here in order to decide upon what the Chemical Wedding actually is and how to assess it. So, therefore I won’t interpret the Chymische Hochzeit astrologically, esoterically and or numerologically. The name Christian Rosenkreutz is simply the symbolic designation for each candidate on the path of initiation; the equivalent of the Martinist Homme de Désir, Man of Desire on its way to become Le Nouvel Homme "the New Man"!
The Chymische Hochzeit Cristiani Rosencreutz anno 1459, contains the seven phases of the Path of Initiation. The path of the seeker for spiritual enlightenment. The quest for Illumination.
Nothing More, Nothing Less. It’s just that simple!
Now sit still, relax and focus on your breathing. Visualise that you are Christian Rosenkreutz! Assume, pretend being Christian Rosenkreutz. Walt, talk act like Rosenkreuz. It doesn’t matter if you’re 18 or 81. So now, you are Rosenkreuz and for 7 days, every day you carefully study one chapter.
By doing so it will become completely clear to you, what the intended meaning of the Alchemical Wedding is. This is also the only way to get to know it this secret, since it is a personal path, your personal initiation. This is what Christian Rosenkreuz is all about. You and me, we are all Rosenkreuz.
Thus it’s simple as it should be, like the Philosopher’s Stone, also very simple, though most people wouldn’t recognise it, not even if they’d sit on it. T.R.Y.
When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then you will enter the Kingdom.
Eques aurei Lapidis.
Anno. 1459.