L’église où tu es, restes-y.
De Rozekruisers, bestaan die? Ben jij er een?...
God en de natuur zijn de twee polen waar de wereldbeschouwing van de Rozekruisers om draait, een opvatting die ook wel wordt aangeduid met Pansophie.
Those who are ready for knowledge need no encouragement, and all the encouragement in the world is useless for those who are not ready.
Overleg bij Uzelf, o mens en overweeg, waarvoor gij geschapen werd. Bepeins, welke Uw vermogens zijn, bepeins welke Uw behoeften en relaties zijn, zo zult ge de plichten van het leven leren kennen en geleid worden op al Uw wegen. - Aan U gun ik
There is a desperate need among people today, especially the young, for a way to give more meaning to their life. It is my belief that the whole world and Christians in particular, have a burning desire for new spiritual truths. – Graham Simmans
Vertrek nergens heen, tenzij je hiervoor voldoende tijd hebt en tevens beschikt over de noodzakelijke middelen om je bestemming te bereiken. Weet dat er een verschil bestaat tussen de weg ‘kennen’ en de weg ‘bewandelen’.
Whenever people, who know me very well or just remotely (btw I'm very open about it, sticker on car, but no that's not necessary at all. May also keep it to yourself, private), ask me, what's this rosicrucianism all about, what the point of is is, if they should join it, what's the advantage of these odd fellows, I'm well, very reserved. Well if you absolutely must give it a try...
NO PROSTYLIZING! I'm discussing, not telling you how to be saved...
So if you've had the urge already for a very long, well could consider, if not better join the local football club in stead! Because this is just not for everybody!
Are there advantages to it. Well definitely! Absolutely! When I decided, aged 16, that I wanted to be one, it took me a while to find them. I found some very old books in the local library, was wondering if they still existed at all!?
Well we didn't yet have the Wibbly Wobbly Web in those days.
So I was thrilled that one day, I found an AMORC add in, of all places - my favourite car magazine, and while seeing the logo I instantly knew that this was just what I'd always been looking for. I joined them and never regretted it. It was the best decision of my life! Once a Rosicrucian always a Rosicrucian!
So what advise should I give? Well I just try to help those who're already pretty sure, who're already one but don't know it yet. Repeat NO PROSTYLIZING!
For those who are pretty sure, but not 100% sure yet I have a recommendation though: read a booklet called WORDS TO THE WISE A Practical Guide to the Esoteric Sciences by Manly P. Hall.
In his little jewel Hall gives the prerequisites for becoming a rosicrucian, martinist, sufi, you name it. This is one of the best occult books currently available to the earnest seekers of TRUTH, which is teaching a correct spiritual discernment.
Hall lists a number of qualifications you need when walking this path. Fourteen qualifications seven of which are dealing with character and seven achievements for the mundane life. The seven liberal arts!
The latter being the easiest. You must have some knowledge of maths, astronomy, philosophy, music/arts, social/political sciences, language, well the sort of things that every generalist should know.
The character, your character is the most important thing and you shoud hold a fair share of: integrity, discrimination, application, patience, moderation, right motives and relaxation. If you hold most the these qualifcations, well then OK give it a TRY.
So now you've become a rosicrucian. Well, no but you've joined an organization, so what are the greatest pittfalls: TIME and PEOPLE.
If you think you can join it for a couple of years, awaiting your instant illumination, be prepared for a major disappointment. If you have only two, three or five years? Make a cruise vacation, go to college, whatever... This is a life long commitment!
You'd ask people, why of all pittfalls people? Well and provided there's one near you, perhaps you could decide to join a Pronaos, Chaper, Lodge (no obligation to do so btw) and start meeting fellow rosicrucians, you're in for another disappointment. These perfect rosicrucians, illuminated masters whatever, often are just well just very ordinary people. Just common people on the path like you and me... so don't you ever confuse the people with the system. Don't mix'm up. The system's perfect, the members are NOT...
Madame Blavatsky (H.P.B.) was once asked what was the most important thing necessary in the study of theosophy, but can read rosicrucianism as well here. Her answer was: common sense - some scientists could also make good use of. When asked what she would place second, she replied: A sense of humour - which is also useful when studying the latest scientific theories. Asked what she would place third, Blavatsky replied: Oh just MORE common sense.
I couldn't agree more...
"The discovery of what is true, and the practice of that which is good, are the two most important objects of philosophy."
- Voltaire (1694-1778)
1 opmerking:
I completely aggree with you 100%
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