zondag 8 januari 2012

Ancient & Mystical; the Order of the Rosaecrucians...

“Theologians may quarrel, but the mystics of the world speak the same language.” - Meister Eckhart

“The finest emotion of which we are capable is the mystic emotion." - Albert Einstein

All mystics speak the same language, for they come from the same country - Louis Claude de Saint-Martin

What does mysticism really mean? It means the way to attain knowledge. It's close to philosophy, except in philosophy you go horizontally while in mysticism you go vertically. - Elie Wiesel

The Rosicrucian Order AMORC uses the word Mystical in its official title, and for a good reason. For mysticism, especially in its present day form, far from dealing with the occult or weird and strange penomena, is a modern, personal discipline which, when correctly applied to our daily situations, opens us to a satisfying understanding of many of those things that remain beyond the realm of modern science.
Call it metaphysics if you will, but mysticism goes far beyond even that, for it has the potential of leading you to a state of personal accomplishment, happiness and peace beyond your greatest expectations.
Mysticism is not merely a matter of gaining intellectual knowledge; since there are so many excellent colleges and universities that serve you best in that area. Ir requires no arduous academic training, no formulas, names or dates to learn by rote and there are no exams other than those that life itself compels you to pass. Mysticism does however require sincerity of purpose and dedicated work on the improvement of your self. In once respect, the discipline of mysticism attemps to establish a conscious link between yourself and a certain source of knowledge that lies beyond the limits of the known universe and the present state of science. In another respect, and one that has been spoken of eloquently within widely diverse religious and philosophical systems over thousands of years, mysticism seeks to unite the whole life experience of the individual with what each of those religions and philosophies conceived as the sole God of all that is, or the source of all that is good.
That source of wisdom and inspiration actually exists beyond the range of normal human intellect has been attested by many of the greatest minds the world has produced in the past, and continues to be eloquently spoken of by some of the greatest thinkers of our own era. And this source of wisdom, in a nutshell, is what mysticism seeks to unite you with.
Through a studie and application of the principles taught by AMORC, you can relatively easily learn to recognise and respond to a source of infallible wisdom which already exists within your own being. You can learn to to seek guidance from this source which with purpose, intelligence and clarity seems to originate from the greatest depths of your very own being. What could be more satisfying than discovering in your own time, at your own pace and on your own initiative, new and exciting truths that have immediate, practical use in your life?
This inner guidance has variously been called the "still, small voice within," the "Inner Self," or the "Master Within." And in most cultures there is a name for it, for in every human being there is a recognisable deeper nature or personality of almost unbelievable potential, a nature of considerable sophistication, refinement and capacity for development, and you too have this potential just waiting to be released. Your "inner sanctity" plays its part constantly in guiding and urging you to do what you now to be right for yourself, your loved ones, and even for those you care very little about.
In developing your awareness of this inner life, you soon learn of the inherent error of relying exclusively on your objective senses and thought processes when coming to decisions that have an important impact on your life. There is a different, more refined, sophisticated and accurate method of getting precisely the answers you want, when you want; and the Rosicrucian Order assists people through its system of weekly home study lessons, how to accomplish this.
On a purely practical level, the study and application of mystical techniques leads to the development of a more mature and integrated personality, greater success in your daily activities, and a growing feeling of happiness and peace in your personal life. Although the benefits of being a Rosicrucian are also of a deeper and more transcendental nature, if peace and happiness were the only things that entered your life in abundance, would it not still be worth your while pursuing such a path?
The Rosicrucian techniques of self-development include specific and highly effective methods of concentration, visualisation, contemplation and meditation, to mention but a few; and proper study and application of those techniques can provide you with exceedingly powerful tools to help you shape your life at all levels, whether physical, mental, psychic or spiritual.
So if you are seeking a new path in life, or simply wish to know more, why not investigate further? Contact us, requesting our free introductory booklet entitled "The Mastery of Life." In it, you will get a better idea of who we are, where we come from and what you can gain by allowing the Rosicrucian Order AMORC to assist you in creating your own customised path of inner development.

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