vrijdag 21 december 2012


“This is the way the world ends. Not with a big bang but a whimper.” ― T.S. Eliot

From the calm morning, the end will come. When of the dancing horse the number of circles will be 9” - Nostradamus

“The destruction of this planet would have no significance on a cosmic scale” - Stanley Kubrick

There’s still so many things I’d wanted to write, blog and post about before the End of the World as we know it, but I didn’t since I didn’t find the time, the right words, correct information, and or was simply too lazy. Such things as the Sandy Hook slaughter, the Discovery of Heaven, the Mayan prophecies and the Bio Industry; about the asbysmall conditions these poor creatures live in, especially now we stuff ourselves during the Christmas Holiday.

About America’s deadly love affair with guns, and their odd illusion that these same guns would make their life safer. But what if... Adam Lanza's survivalist and trigger-happy mom wouldn't have filled her home with guns, including a Bushmaster; would her deluded and insane son still have killed those 20 children? You tell me...

Well dear gentle readers: I am done writing. Time's up, the End is nigh. Merry Apocalypse & Happy 2013!

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