donderdag 3 april 2008
The Prisoner of San Jose: AMORC Unmasked?
or Pierre S. Freeman Exposed? Pierre S. Freeman’s DECLARATION OF REMOTE INDOCTRINATION!
"Gelooft gij alles Gij dwaalt zeer,
Gelooft gij niets, Gij dwaalt nog meer."
The greatest tolerance in strictest independence;
the greatest understanding with absolute openness of spirit.
AMORC's Motto
It is more than some people understand and different than some believe - HSL
The pendulum of the mind alternates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong. (Carl Gustav Jung)
"It's much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers which might be wrong."
I shall always be aware that traditionally and chronologically the Rosicrucian Order has always been a fraternal (non-sectarian) mystical organization. It must therefore be devoted to two fundamental pursuits: the enlightenment of man and the individual attainment of Peace Profound. - RML
What happens to the human condition if the great mysteries of life are finally revealed? What happens when those beliefs that we accept on faith… are suddenly categorically proven as fact? Or disapproved as myth?” - Dan Brown: The Lost Symbol
Absolute consequentie is de filosofie der dwazen!
PILGRIM WHY DOST THOU BLOG? A question that's asked both in a nice way and in a way which often means "what on earth possesses to you to write for no money and, probably, no readers?".
I keep my blogs as a personal Rosicrucian Notebook for three simple reasons.
One: in order to defend the Rosicrucian Order against baseless and misleading accusations. Two: to preserve (the very long)Rosicrucian history as I see it for posterity. The accepted idea that it only originated 1604 - 1616 with the advent of the Manifestoes is simple not correct. This was merely the externalisation of the Rose Cross, because the time was deemed auspicious. Three: to fight the misconception of many researchers, that the Rose Cross can be fully researched and explained just by means of the known documents. But when you're talking about a secret society, please don't expect to find it all in the newspaper...
A clear distinction must be made between exoteric and esoteric history!
So to make a long story short my rosicrucian and templar weblogs are my personal Rosicrucian Notebook(s). I put them on the internet since easier to maintain and update then when just writing on a piece of paper. But in the end it's a personal diary not really intended for publication! I just allow the few fanatics who manage to find it to grasp a glimpse of my meditations.
As far as Rosicrucian history is concerned, the popular and established scientific opinion is that the Rosirucians more or less started about 1604 and with the publication of the Manifestoes.
"The documented history of Rosicrucianism reaches back no further than the early 1600s, and modern Rosicrucian organizations don't date back anywhere near that far."
All das bedeutet nun nicht, dass das Rosenkeuzertum erst um 1600 entstanden sei. Es besagt aber, dass wir ab diesem Zeitpunkt schriftliche Zeugnisse von bzw. über sie besitzen. Die Spekulationen über das "wahre" Alter der Rosenkreuzer gehen weiter und machen um 1600 nicht halt. – Dr. Wolfram Frietsch in Newtons Geheimnis.
It's just so easy and convenient to believe that, though it's far from being the truth. The rosicrucians are so much older i.m.h.o. Well, just read my Rosicrucian Chronicles if this should really interest you.
As far as baseless accusations is concerned and I've seen one or two things in my life, but by far the most ridiculous and grotesque accusation I've seen so far is Pierre Freeman's (if that's his real name)accusation that AMORC is a brainwashing cult and enslaving it's members by means of remote indoctrination (lol).
The Prisoner of San Jose, a memoir by Pierre S. Freeman, exposes the ancient mystical order of Rosæ Crucis, also known as AMORC, located in San Jose. AMORC recruited Freeman, a young engineering student in Haiti, and exposed him to twenty-four years of sustained indoctrination and mind control. Having no family or friends able to substantially help him, no exit psychologist, deprogrammer, or interventionist to guide him, Freeman methodically studied the cult experience, analyzing the mind control and hypnotic procedures that were affecting his life. The Prisoner of San Jose is about how Freeman deprograms himself and recovers the mental and emotional stability he lost twenty-four years earlier. Most importantly, the story is about hope, and how Freeman is finally able to reclaim the liberty of his own personality.
some of the author (Pierre S. Freeman)'s quotes
"Enslavement by a mind control cult".
“Remote Indoctrination".
"I never even dreamed that I could one day be a victim of mind control, hypnosis, or even brainwashing".
AMORC is neither a cult nor a sect, not by any standard. Period!
This can a.o. be easily determined by applying The Advanced Bonewits’ Cult Danger Evaluation Frame!
In the first place it is a common characteristic of sects that it’s supporters should break with their family and friends, with the ensuing and often all too familiar dramas.
In stead the Rosicrucian Order AMORC is asking its members to fully support their society and fulfil their duty as citizens. Moreover, we are of the opinion that the family is a gem, of which the harmony and unity must be kept at all cost.
In second place a sect is usually led by a guru, who has declared himself the supreme leader for life. For information purposes only, the leaders of AMORC are elected for a period of five years. At the end of that period their mandate may be extended, provided one considers that they have done their job well enough. Is that not the case then they will be replaced by man or woman considered being more able for the position.
The Grand Master title goes back to great antiquity and is part of the specific vocabularium used by initiatic orders. In AMORC this title is given to a person who is responsible for a jurisdiction and where he or she receives a mandate for a period of five years, and which can be renewed. Thus the title is a function and it does not necessarily mean that the person who fulfils it, is a perfect human being, who holds the supreme wisdom. Consequently the members don’t owe him/her absolute obedience and or veneration.
In the third place, the followers of a sect are almost without exception requested to donate large sums of their material possessions, usually required for financing the ostentatious lifestyle of the guru. The Rosicrucians only charge a modest fee for the written lessons of the Order to be received.
Finally, every sect tries to indoctrinate its followers among other things in order to ensure that they can no longer leave the sect. AMORC on the other hand, bases its philosophy on total personal freedom of thought and conscience and the development of the faculty of learning to think for themselves! Each Rosicrucian may therefore end its membership at any given time, without further ado and or any questioning. The only moral obligation is to return the monographs.
Consequently the Rosicrucians do not constitute a cult, either religious or otherwise. They constitute a fraternity of men and women.The members of the organisation are of every religious denomination, and are not asked to change their religious beliefs in any way.
In a sound scientific environment these things could be easily established among others by simply applying the definition of the words cult or sect.
It appears to me though that in real life the word cult or sect is more than often misused and applied to just about everything being not being part of the mainstream and or to the somewhat unconventional currents.
About his other claims, they are so totally ludicrous, absurd, unbelievable, preposterous... that I just wonder what's gotten into this poor man!?
I'm a socalled "Hierarchy" read longtime member. I've been through all the degrees. Finished the "plus" degrees and completed the "Beyond" degrees. So basically all there is was or ever has been.
I herewith do testify and solemny swear that never ever I've been controlled, brainwashed, pushed, indoctrinated, influenced whatever you name it by AMORC.
I freely and voluntary joined, wasn't recruited or anything, and guess what, it was my best decision ever!
We don't hassle former members!
From the moment of their affiliation, Rosicrucians are asked to become "walking question marks" and to regard their own conscience as their only master. AMORC's teachings are never imposed on the members.
We have no dogma. We don't tell you how to think. In anthropological terms, we're a voluntary association group!
So if AMORC was indeed remote indoctrinating and or controlling its members, then it should be clear by now, that Freeman wouldn't ever have written his silly book! (lol).
AMORC a pro-abortion cult!? Just gimme a break! No person of sound mind would ever give such an advice, or be pro. AMORC doesn't even take a stand here. Because, we feel that each individual, should be able to make his/her decisions here. We teach and learn people how to think for themselves...
His crazy writ is perhaps only parallelled by another and equally insane and unholy publication called Le Diable au XIX' Siecle. and which was an attack upon Freemasonry, and which came out in parts, illustrated with grotesque and repulsive engravings. The name on the title-page is Dr. Bataille a pseudonym of Leo Taxil, but it is stated in the British Museum Catalogue that the real authors were Gabriel Jogand-Pages and Charles Hacks.
Read here some quotes from a review soror R. wrote after reading "Prisoner of San Jose":
The fellow proudly describes himself as highly intelligent and morally (?) superior, to the extent that any misfortune befalling him is explained as the failures and shortcomings of others!
He seems quite proud of his success at manipulating others for his own gain through the use of lies and deception. While he does boast of supporting his mother and siblings, he expresses no particular inclination to help anyone else…
Given this beginning it is clear enough why he hopes that AMORC will somehow invest him with powers not shared by others and by which he can further advance his own ambitions.
In spite of his seeming success in securing good employment and education through his manipulations he decides to come to the U.S. to further his education and even gains financial support from his government job to do this.
However, it seems that in Florida, things do not go well and he suffers a psychotic break, as the narration begins to express increasingly paranoid ideas and compulsive behaviors.
As this guy struggles with all his personal problems, he wonders why AMORC is not providing the magic to make him rich and happy!
Did it ever occur to him that he did not understand or apply the lessons correctly, or even that his own disturbed thinking was bringing about his misfortunes?
Btw if you want to have a look at this silly book yourself, don’t waste your money nor support the author financially since most of it is for free on Google Books. What a f* bucket load of insane lone nut nonsense...
New York, 17 June 2013
AMORC Whistleblower Pierre S. Freeman Offers Olive Leaf to Rosicrucian Imperator!?
Freeman is now planning to turn his anti-AMORC'an writs into a trilogy and now he's making us a very tempting offer! If AMORC is buying his entire unsold stock of worthless books and distributes it among its members, Freeman will postpone his third and even nastier bestselling book for at least five years (lol).
Freeman no matter how weird your ideas, and you're of course entirely free to express your opinions, but sorry, to me you are are as mad as the Ayatollah of Confusion on the night of Divalí.
The sad account of his unfortunate life, and for which Freeman totally blames AMORC of course, reminds me somehow of a Sufi parable.
Once upon a time there was this man who saw how easy it was for the wild animals to find their food in the surrounding nature. So therefore he prostrated himself at the foot of a large tree and idly waited there until providence would bring him his food. Of course he quickly pined away and he became vindictive blaming God for his subsistence problems.
Then he spotted a young, innocent and deserted child in those woods and a pack of wild dogs tracking the child. The prospects of what is about to happen makes him blind with rage. Again turning against his creator crying to heaven: oh my God how can you allow this child falling prey to these animals, why don’t you do anything?
Then he hears a voice saying: but my dear friend in order to protect this weak child I’ve especially created you!
'Geloof niet in iets, simpelweg omdat je het gehoord hebt. Geloof niet in iets, simpelweg omdat er door velen over gepraat en gekletst wordt. Geloof niet in iets omdat het simpelweg in uw religieuze boeken staat geschreven. Geloof niet in iets slechts vanwege het gezag van uw leraren en ouders. Geloof niet in tradities, omdat ze voor vele generaties werden overgeleverd. Maar na observatie en analyse, wanneer u vind dat alles gelijk staat met de reden en bevorderlijk is voor het goede en het voordeel is van één en allen, keur het goed en leef ernaar. -- Boeddha.
"When we experience misfortune, when we encounter adversity, we should not be embittered, we should not try to affix the responsibility on others, but inquire into the nature of conditions, of causes, which may have brought about the misfortune. Analyze the effects intelligently, for determination of the cause. At least, with an open mind, accept the effects as a lesson, as one possibly teaching tolerance of humility. As you learn from adversity and accept the lesson, without bitterness, but as a means of preparing yourself for more enlightened living, you are creating a favourable karmic effect, possibly years of happiness, if not in this life, then in another." ~ Ralph M. Lewis
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