vrijdag 10 oktober 2008

They all wanted to be Rosaecrucians: about Small Minds, Big Egos, Sects & Schisms i.e. the Path to Perdition!

De wet van eendracht tussen de Fratres & Sorores is drievoudig;
In al het essentiële de eenheid bewaren,
In minder relevante zaken elkaar de vrijheid laten,
In alles jegens elkaar liefde betuigen.

“The greatest among you will be your servant" (Mathew 23:11).

Le temps altère et efface la parole de l’homme, mais ce qui est confié au feu perdure indefiniment…

From a report in the Martinez_de_Pasqualys group:

Chers amis, Gérard Kloppel nous a quittés ce dimanche 5 octobre, emporté par une crise cardiaque. Né le 5 mars 1940, il aura marqué l'histoire moderne de Memphis-Misraïm, mais aussi, dans une moindre mesure, celle du martinisme, pour avoir été nommé grand maître mondial de l'Ordre martiniste initiatique, le 29 octobre 1984, en succession de Robert Ambelain. Ces dernières années, la vie n'avait pas été tendre pour cet homme de désir, calomnié, méprisé, exploité, et je garde pour ma part le souvenir d'un homme profondément blessé. Jelui rendrai prochainement l'hommage que je dois à sa mémoire. Puisse le Seigneur l'accueillir dans ses verts pâturages. - Serge Caillet

and a very rough translation (by an unknown messenger, which nevertheless gives a profound insight in this situation):

Gérard Kloppel passed to the Eternal Orient, on Sunday, October 5th, 2008 from a heart attack. He was born the 5th of March 1940. I was proud to know him personally and worked with him in Memphis-Mizraim, Martinism , Elus–Cohen and K R+C. He was a great alchemist and many the time I visited him when he lived just outside Paris. The last years of his life were very sad for him as he witnessed schism after schism "man hunt for profane titles".
Gérard I bid you farewell and thanks for the great memories.

I haven't known him nor ever met with Gérard Kloppel, yet I feel profoundly sorry for this brother. And the above mentioned situation, unfortunately must be quite familiar to most of us this small world of esoteric and secret orders.

So many forsee for themselves a great career in esoterism and when disappointed in their aspirations they turn their back on their own order and start fighting it as if their inheritance depended on it, discrediting it and or create their own order! Just like Kloppel I've seen this happening so many times.

On at least two occasions, dignitaries approached me to find out if I'd be interested of starting a new group here in The Netherlands or represent some schismatic organisation. Where at first it might seem appealing to be the Grandmaster of you name it... But it isn't as nearly as funny as it might seem. This I rapidly noticed when I was the Master of a Pronaos. Felt honoured of course when asked, however... I had to prepare the monthly study/monograph or select one, perform the ritual, the only part I liked. For starters, it is much more pleasant to sit in the temple and participate in the exercises etc, than conduct the ritual. But short of younger and willing members, I also had to write and print the bulletin, pick up the older members and bring them back home etc.etc.

Though some are still among my best friends, you also have to deal with some members, you woulnd't normally befriend and after six months, I just had, since I'd promised to do so, force myself to bring this all to a good end. Next the officer receives a nice diploma from the GM and that's it...

And the GM? Well the GM's in the the same but quadrupled. No person in his sound mind would strive a for such a position. Since the Master is and always should be the biggest server. The title of Supérieur Inconnu in Martinism, which I see preferably translated as Serviteur Inconnu already indicates this.
“The greatest among you will be your servant" (Mathew 23:11).

Being a serviteur inconnu is something really difficult and many people are just not able to puit their big egos aside for the continuation of the Great Work and their Order. And yet that's what needed, people who can make a sacrifice!

We in AMORC have had our fair share of schisms. Because of the Stewart Affair AMORC split into the Ancient Rosae Crucis and the Confraternity of the Rose Cross. Where this was a traumatic experience for most AMORC members, the most harm is often locally done on a smaller scale in the pronaoi and chapters. I've seen them come and go because of petty disagreements and mainly big egos of their pathetic little masters.

Is it wrong to criticize your order? Of course not. I myself have always been a very critical member. But remember an order is never responsible for the irresponsible behaviour of individual members. Ty to avoid factions nor follow the Master as if a guru, who's just as human or inhuman as the average human being...

ADONIS, tué par le sanglier.
OSIRIS, tué par Typhon.
PYTHAGORE, proscrit.
ORPHEE, mis en pièces par les Bacchantes.
MOISE, abandonné dans les cavernes du Mont Nébo.
HIRAM, massacré par des bandits.
SAINT JEAN, décapité.
JESUS, crucifié.
JAQUES MOLAY, brûlé sur le bûcher.
AGRIPPA, mourant dans un dénuement absolu.
Eliphas Lévi, SAINT-YVES D’ALVEYDRE et des centaines d’ autres martyrs ignorés de la Science Royale et Sacerdotale, dont les Lois sont inexorables.

Très:. cher:. frère:. Kloppel



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